Why Apps, Not Slides, Are the Future of Data Delivery

In the digital era, data is omnipresent, but its real value lies not in its existence but in how it's used. We've noticed a concerning trend at Franz. Data and AI insights are groundbreaking, but often restricted to PowerPoint and Excel. This treatment often leads to their failure. Projects full of potential often end up as forgotten relics. They remain stuck at the proof-of-concept stage on a virtual shelf.

This is the juncture where Franz diverges from the norm. Our ethos is clear—the deliverable is not the data collection, model training, or analysis. The main goal is operational transformation via a user-friendly app. The app is accessible to the workforce and stakeholders who need it.

From Insight to Action: The Franz Approach

Many projects often fail right after the consultant finishes their presentation. The valuable insights are stuck in static slides and complex sheets. The people making day-to-day decisions cannot access them. This is the digital disconnect we at Franz strive to mend.

Our approach is different. We don't hand over a model; we deliver a key to unlock its potential—a native app. The app transforms into a tool for making immediate decisions. It is an interface that turns data into action and outcomes.

The Limitations of Traditional Reporting

Traditional reporting methods limit knowledge dissemination, like landlines limit communication. PowerPoint presentations, while engaging, are often one-off experiences with a short shelf-life. Excel sheets have strong analytical abilities, but users must manually manipulate data. They are not designed for quick, on-the-go decision making.

Powering Hands-on Transformation

Franz builds native apps for the field. Sales representatives, production line workers, or top-level managers can use them. These apps go beyond being data repositories. They are essential to the workflow. They offer insights and recommendations aligned with operational goals.

Conclusion: Delivering More Than Data

At Franz, we know that going from data to decision should be smooth, not difficult. We commit to providing insights and ways to act on them. The result? The app is tangible. It brings AI's promise to fruition. It ensures that no project collects dust on a shelf. Instead, it propels your business forward.


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